Comparison of APA 6th and 7th Editions
What's new to APA 7th edition? Plenty, including changes to in-text citations, references, inclusive language, and formatting of tables and figures. Click here to see some of the changes, and where to find guidance. For more insight on bias-free language in particular, click here.
~Sample In-Text Citations~
Keep in mind: If you use a citation generator, like Citation Machine, Easy Bib, Zotero, or Paperpile, they create great first drafts, but their citations are not perfect. To confirm that you have a correct APA citation, compare your citations with the examples below, and/or go to APA directly, on their site.
~Let's Put It All Together With A Sample Student Paper~
Access the full text of this annotated student paper. Note: There's an example abbreviation in the sample paper. More about abbreviations can be found here.
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