The WWC is through the Institute for Educational Statistics and reviews research to establish the evidence-base. Not all interventions and curricula are included, but the WWC provides many helpful resources. Practice guides are aimed at educators and summarize research; reading specific-guides: foundational skills,reading comprehension,reading and RTI.
Intervention Reports reviews programs, practices, and curricula (example) . Reviews of individual studies does just that; studies are submitted to this page, so it does not include all possible studies on a topic but generally includes ones in the Practice Guides and Intervention Reports.
NCII has a number of resources on literacy, math, and behavior. NCII has tool charts that review different assessments and interventions, and lessons and other resources for each area of reading.
Like FCCR, the National Center on Improving Literacy has a multitude of resources on reading and reading outcomes for students with literacy-related needs including:
The Meadows Center is not specific to reading, but provides information and research related to educational interventions and topics. Click on “library” to see their resources. Several of these are linked above in the “effective intervention” section.