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MBSTL Science & Technology - Environment and Weather
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MBSTL Science & Technology - Environment and Weather
Statistics, Data, and Technical Resources
Weather Forecasts
Local and Regional Resources
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General Information
Professional Organizations
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Science & Technology Resources
Business Resources
Science & Technology Resources
Statistics, Data, and Technical Resources
Brownfields and Land Revitalization
Helpful information and data on the extensive hazardous waste site cleanups provided by the EPA.
Local Climatological Data by State
A monthly summary from major airport stations that includes daily weather.
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
Public information about snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and polar climate interactions.
Northeast USA Recent Marine Data
National Data Buoy Center marine weather data.
Storm Data
A chronological listing, by states, of storm occurrences and unusual weather phenomena.
Toxic Release iInventory (TRI) Explorer State Fact Sheets
Collected and maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Select state under "Topic of Interest".
U.S. Geological Survey. Acid Rain, Atmospheric Deposition, and Precipitation Chemistry
Contains data on 7 active monitoring sites in Maine. Also includes many online reports.
U.S. Geological Survey: Water Resources
Information about streams, lakes, reservoirs, ground water, aquifers, wells, water use, and water quality.
United States Interactive Climate Data (NOAA)
Data related to temperature, precipitation and other variables for cities throughout the United States.
Weather Forecasts
Marine Weather, Canadian Atlantic Ocean waters and Canadian inland lakes [Weather Underground]
Marine Weather, U.S. Atlantic Ocean waters from Maine to New Jersey [Weather Underground]
MEMA: General Weather [Maine Emergency Management Agency]
National Weather Service Forecast Office - Caribou, Maine
National Weather Service Forecast Office - Portland-Gray, Maine
National Weather Service Maine State Information
Weather Calculator: Conversions
Local and Regional Resources
EPA: Brownfield sites in Maine
Maine Agricultural & Forest Experiment Station. (MAFES)
Maine's Climate Future, 2015: University of Maine
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Maine Drinking Water Program
Maine Rural Water Association
Maine Water Environment Association
New England Environmental Education Alliance
New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
New England Water Environment Association
NOAA State Office, Maine
NOAA Tide Predictions, Maine
Northeast River Forecast Center
Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions
U.S. Drought Monitor, Northeast
USGS New England Water Science Center, Maine Office
Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
WWW Tide/Current Predictor, U.S. Upper East Coast (Maine through Virginia)
Find Current Research
Covers a broad range of agricultural topics indexed by the National Agricultural Library and co-operating institutions. 1979-present.
Sponsored by the United Nations. Food and Agriculture Organization. 1975-present.
DOE Information Bridge
Full text reports from the Department of Energy (DOE) on a wide range of environmental sciences.
Environment Complete
Full text for over 400 journals related to environmental issues.
MasterFILE Premier
Provides full text for over 1,830 general reference, business, consumer health, general science. Full text extends back to January, 1990. Indexing and abstracts is available for an additional 1,000 journals.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Online
Information related to the public law that created the framework for managing hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste.
Gateway to U.S. government publications and web sites. Includes 60 databases and over 2200 selected websites from 15 federal agencies.
General Information
Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology Annotated Dictionary.
Maintained by translators from around the world.
A Comprehensive Glossary of Weather Terms for Storm Spotters
This glossary contains weather-related terms used by local storm spotters.
Ecosystem Valuation Glossary
Developed and written by Drs. D.M. King and M. Mazzotta.
Glossary of Climate Change Acronyms and Terms
United Nations
Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms
A repository of environmental terms and definitions, created by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Professional Organizations
Air & Waste Management Association
American Meteorological Society
American Water Works Association
Global Environmental Management Initiative
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Maine Lakes Society
National Weather Association
New England Water Environment Association
Union of Concerned Scientists
United Nations Environment Programme
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Water Environment Federation
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