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Research Impact Challenge

Welcome to Day 4 of the Research Impact Challenge!
Earlier this week, you registered your ORCIDclaimed your Google Scholar Profile, and explored a digital repository. Perhaps you’re beginning to notice the way that scholarly identities proliferate across many websites, applications, and profiles. It can easily become overwhelming!

Today’s Challenge:
Reflect on your use of social media, in order to consider how these tools pertain (or don’t!) to your
professional/scholarly identity, and make some thoughtful decisions about where to focus your time and effort in the coming year. 

Let’s get started!

Here's how to do it: 

1. First, use this worksheet to take an inventory of the social media platforms you use, especially noting those that have a connection of some kind to your scholarly identity. Go to File -> Make a copy, or File -> Download, to create a copy that you can edit.

Instructions on how to copy a file in Google Docs

2. After filling out the table, take 10 minutes or so to reflect on the questions at the bottom of the audit, and sketch out your priorities for this year.


There are no right or wrong answers in this exercise! The audit is not a to-do list, and the goal of this activity is not to encourage you to create a presence on all of these sites. Rather, today’s goal is to take stock of where you already are, and to spend some time thinking carefully about where you want to focus your attention and efforts going forward.  

Social media use may be more practical and useful in some disciplines than others. It can enable powerful connections with new colleagues and provide a platform to communicate about your work to the world. At the same time, there are risks, including harassment, abuse, and even job security. People of color, women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, contingent faculty, people working on controversial scholarship, and other vulnerable groups may be more exposed to these risks.

The decision to engage on social media is always personal, as well as professional, and the stakes are not the same for everyone. Only you can decide the most meaningful and productive ways to engage with these tools for yourself and your work. Be sure to keep self-care—and care for your colleagues—in mind as you decide where to put your time and energy and how to share your work with the world. 

What next? 

Learn more: 

Preparing for your next challenge: 

Congratulations! You’ve completed Day 4 of the Research Impact Challenge. Not only have you taken an inventory of your current social media engagement, you've made time to reflect on how you might use these tools to your best advantage in the coming year.

In the final challenge, we’ll address myriad ways to measure the impact of your work. See you on Day 5!

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