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NUR 415: Sociocultural Issues in Health and Health Care: Environmental Racism and Justice

Below are myriad ways to research environmental racism and justice in different contexts and among diverse populations.

Find Scholarly Articles

There are numerous databases in Fogler's database menu where you can find research that addresses environmental racism and/or justice and the relationship between environmental racism and policy to social determinants of health. Below are a few places to start.

Keep in mind that your search terms may refer to issues, events, or relationships between ideas that you want to know more about, such as:

  • ("environmental racism"  OR "environmental justice") AND health
    [This is a broad search. You could also search for something more specific to health effects like disease or cancer or COVID-19, or health disparities.]
  • "hazardous waste" AND (race OR ethnicity OR racism)
    [You will find articles on everything from industrial pollution to landfills to policy issues.]
  • Dakota Access Pipeline and "environmental justice"
    [This search provides information on issues like tribal sovereignty, and the effects of oil spills on sacred sites and archaeological materials.] 

Subject-Specific Search Options

  • CINAHL Covers journals in nursing and allied health fields. 
  • PsycINFO Scholarly literature in psychology and related social sciences
  • PubMed Covers medical and some life science journals
Interdisciplinary Search Option

OneSearch is a discovery layer that sits on top of the many electronic resources we have access to. When you search OneSearch, you are searching a range of electronic journals, databases, and library catalog materials. You can filter your results to make them more relevant to your needs, for instance by content type (like books or scholarly articles or news articles), date ranges of interest, or library location (whether UMaine, UMA, USM, etc.).

Find Press Coverage 

Search for concepts related to the environmental justice issues of interest to you.

Keep in mind that Ethnic NewsWatch will provide articles from sources not covered by the mainstream press.

Find Environmental Justice Information on the Open Web

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