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Hot Topics: Domestic Violence

Find research sources for various topics having to do with Domestic Violence.

Scholarly Articles

Find scholarly articles about domestic violence by searching our databases for journal articles. 

Use our databases to find articles by scholars addressing domestic violence.  Search the databases below to find journal articles on your topic.

Most databases will let you limit to scholarly or peer-reviewed journals and articles, so look for the checkbox (you may need to be in the advanced screen).

To learn more about searching for and citing sources, visit our guide Library Research 101: How to Get Started.

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Search our Catalog for Books

Search the library catalog for more books about domestic violence, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and more. In addition to the books that we've suggested on the Home page, there are many books in our collection that address the myriad groups and people who face violence in their relationships. These include people who are of various gender identities, sexual orientations, socio-economic statuses, nationalities, races, ethnicities, and more.

Below, you will find links to our catalog using different subject terms, so you can explore aspects of this subject in much greater depth. In addition, try your own search terms in the catalog search box below.

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