Author citation analysis looks at all of the articles by one author, and every article that cites those articles. This can show how important an author is in their field, and the impact and quality of their work.
It is important to remember that no one database contains all the citations to an author's work, and that name and journal title variations make catching all citations that do exist virtually impossible. The best we can do is get a general sense of the impact of the author's work. It is also important to keep in mind that authors citing works do so in a variety of ways, so finding all the references to a specific author is very difficult.
Web of Science and Google Scholar are the two most complete places to do author citation analysis (see a comparison), although SciFinder also does this for chemistry literature. Citation searching can be tricky; feel free to contact us for help!
Web of Science : Author Search (approx. 5 minutes) - Find and retrieve all works from a particular author.
In order to use SciFinder, you must create and register an account; see Fogler's instructions on how to do this.
►Click on the link for Author Name on the left hand side of the screen.
►Type in the author's name. Make sure the 'Look for alternate spellings of the last name' box is checked.
►Check the boxes next to all possible versions of the author's last name. Click the 'Get References' button.
►Click on the 'Tools' link at the top of the screen and select 'Remove duplicates'. Check the top box to select all the articles listed.
►Uncheck any articles you know do not belong to your author.
►Click on 'Get Related' link at top, and select 'Get Citing'.
►Remove the duplicates like you did before. You can now print, save, or export the citing works.
Go to Google Scholar, where there are two ways to find what articles cite an author's work, depending on whether they have set up a Google Profile. Google Scholar Citations is a way to keep track of an author's citations through their Google Profile page.
Google Profile
►Type the author's full name into the search box. If the author has a public author profile it will display above the article result list.
►A box on the right will show how many times this author has been cited and their h-index.
No Google Profile
►If an author does not have a Google Profile it is almost impossible to find all the references to their work because citing authors will use a variety of forms of the author's name, and journal and article titles. Try different variants of the name attached with "or", and put the names in quotes to make the search more precise.
►Google Scholar will list the publication with the most citations first. It tries to combine citations that are formatted differently but are actually the same publication, but it does not do as good a job with this as Web of Science's Cited Reference Search.
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