Reference items are located in the Information Commons on the first floor of Fogler Library. If "Ref" is not at the beginning of the call number they will be shelved in the regular book stacks on the 2nd and 3rd floors. More options can be found using LibrarySearch with keywords like spectra atlases, spectroscopy atlases, spectra tables, or spectroscopy tables.
Ref. QC462.85 .A44 1993
Ref. QC457 .P87 1997
Ref. QC457 .A77 1981
Ref. QC457 .N927 1997
Ref. QC762 .H33 1985
T55.3.H3 S3 2012
QC462.85 .P47 1992
QC454.M3 M395 1989
5729 Fogler Library · University of Maine · Orono, ME 04469-5729 | (207) 581-1673