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Citation Styles in Chemistry

The most commonly used citation style in Chemistry is American Chemical Society (ACS) Style. Below you'll find recommended resources for citing in ACS and examples of in-text citations. If you have questions please reach out the subject specialist librarian in Chemistry, Heather Perrone.

In-Text Citations

There are three ways you can cite in-text with ACS. Double-check with your professor or publisher to make sure you're using the correct one.

Anytime you use information from someone else's work you need an in-text citation to attribute the idea to the author. The same is true for direct quotes.


Put the author(s) last name and the publication year in parentheses immediately after referencing their ideas in your paper.


You need an in-text citation when you're using information you got from another source (Decker, 2021).


Decker (2021) writes that you need an in-text citation anytime you use information from another source.

If there's more than one author, format it like this:

(Gray and Bonnet, 2019) or (Hutchinson et al., 2018) if there's more than three authors.

Italicized numbers:

Citations are denoted by italicized numbers in parentheses and references are listed at the end in the order they first appeared in the paper.


Jeffords found that Smith's theory was incorrect (4).

Superscript Numbers:

Citations appear as superscript numbers and references are listed at the end of the paper in the order they first appeared.


Perrone et. al successfully recreated the experiment.However, a variety of other studies were unable to do so.3-8,12

Tips on citing by Fogler Library

These guides will give you tips on organizing your references, what to cite and when, and other citation sytles.

Citation and Avoiding Plagiarism

Some resources to help you cite using ACS style and avoid plagiarism.

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