Total number of scholarly works on the subject of "global climate change" 2002-2020:
From Web of Science
Use our databases to find articles by scholars addressing climate change. Search the databases below to find journal articles on your topic.
Most databases will let you limit to scholarly or peer-reviewed journals and articles, so look for the checkbox (you may need to be in the advanced search).
Nexis Uni
Full-text documents from over 5,900 sources, including national and regional newspapers, legal news, wire services, broadcast transcripts, and non-English language sources.
Proquest Newsstand
Full text of more than 500 U.S. and international news sources including the New York Times (1999 to present), Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, plus hundreds of other news sources and news wires. Years of coverage vary by title.
Independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. Freely available online.
Search the library catalog for more books about climate change. In addition to the books that we've suggested, there are many books in our collection that address the many subtopics and issues associated with the earth's climate.
Below, you will find links to our catalog using different subject terms, so you can explore aspects of this subject in much greater depth. In addition, try your own search terms in the catalog search box.
Books on the topic of climate change may be in a variety of locations throughout the library due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field. Try these subject headings for the potential locations (Need help find them? Check out our map!):
GB -- Geomorphology
GC -- Oceanography
Q -- General Science
QC851-999 Meteorology; Climatology
QD -- Chemistry
QE -- Geology
QH -- Biology; Natural History
QK -- Botany
QL -- Zoology
QR -- Microbiology
RA -- Public Aspects of Medicine
S -- Agriculture (General)
SB -- Plant Culture
SD -- Forestry
SH -- Aquaculture and Fisheries
TA -- Engineering (General and Civil)
TD -- Environmental technology; Sanitary engineering
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