Welcome to Day 2 of the Publish and Thrive Challenge!
In addition to submitting your work to publishers, as we explored in Day 1 of the Challenge, a fruitful approach to possible publication is to present your research or creative work at a conference. Not only will you get feedback from others within your discipline (and outside your discipline, if you're lucky!), which can enhance the perspective of your work and the direction(s) you take with it, but you will also be able to connect with others doing similar work (possible future collaborators!), and with relevant publishers in your field.
Some conferences publish presentation abstracts and/or full papers in published proceedings, some of which are peer reviewed. This may count as a publication in your field (check with colleagues/mentors). Additionally, the association where you're presenting may have publications that would be a good fit for your final product, like relevant journals or book series.
Your Challenge: Find Up to 3 Places to Present your Work
1. Search or browse Pivot Conferences, which is a database of calls for papers (CFPs) in a wide range of fields (click on PIVOT at the link above, and then on the Conferences tab). Note that you may find some good leads from CFPs whose submission dates have passed: Keep track of those that resonate with you for next year's cycle!
2. Another approach is to search this international conference listings site, or conferencealerts.com.
3. Visit Think.Check.Attend for questions to consider as you choose venues to present your work.
4. Look at what you're reading and citing in your own scholarly activity, and/or in your courses, and consider which conference proceedings resonate and align with your work. These may be good conference options to pursue.
Let's hear from you! What advice would you share with Challenge participants on how best to attend, present, or network at a conference, whether in-person or online? Please share your thoughts and insights in the anonymous discussion board below. Double click on the board, or click on the plus sign at the bottom right of the board, to post a comment.
Further reading (and motivation):
Congratulations! You have completed Day 2 of the Publish and Thrive Challenge.
Tomorrow, we'll dig into authors' rights, and consider what permissions you may want to keep when you publish your work.
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