Welcome to Day 4 of the Publish and Thrive Challenge!
Once you have a publication (or more than one!) under your belt, it's important to consider where to put it, in addition to the publisher's version of your work that will live on the publisher's website. This can help you and your work gain traction and visibility!
Your Challenge: Identify Up to 3 Places to Share your Work Once it's Published (or to Share your Previously Published Works)
Consider some of these options!
1. A digital repository is a great place to start. Not all repositories behave exactly the same way, but as a general rule, by depositing work in a repository, you’ll get:
There are many different scholarly repositories (see if you can find some in your field, from this helpful list). One option is the DigitalCommons@UMaine!
Note1: When depositing your scholarly work in a repository, it's important to understand how copyright applies to your publications (as we learned on Day 3). The SHERPA/RoMEO database contains information about specific journal and publisher policies regarding the version(s) of your work that you can post in a repository (pre-print, post-print, publisher's PDF version). Need help tracking down publisher permissions for your work? Contact your library liaison!
Note2: Repositories are one way to make scholarly content freely available online. And, research suggests that the more open your scholarship is, the more likely it is to be found, read, and cited. Learn more about open access in this library guide.
2. Share your work on social media! Social media platforms are increasingly used by academics to communicate their creative and scholarly work, find potential collaborators, share ideas and items of interest, and as a teaching space.
Here are some examples of social media use among academics:
3. Post your publications, or your CV, to an institutional or personal website (there are many free site building options with no coding experience needed, such as Google Sites, Wix, Weebly, and WordPress).
4. Include publications and projects in your email signature. Consider linking to your most recent publication (or to one or two that you're most proud of), to your personal website, and/or to a recent grant you received. See Dr. Cindy Isenhour's email signature as an example.
Another option is include a link in your email signature to your ORCID or Google Scholar profile, which will contain lists of your publications and presentations. Not sure what an ORCID and Google Scholar profile are, or how to set them up? Join us for the Research Impact Challenge!
5. Share your expert insights with a popular audience, such as a news outlet. You don't have to wait for them to contact you - reach out to an organization that you think would be a good fit for the audience you want to reach, and see if they'd be interested in your story.
Let's learn from each other! What are your suggestions for communicating one's work to different audiences? Please share your thoughts and insights in the anonymous discussion board below. Double click on the board, or click on the plus sign at the bottom right of the board, to post a comment.
Further reading:
Nicely done! You're more than halfway through the Publish and Thrive Challenge!
For the grand finale, we'll learn publishing strategies and insights from faculty and graduate students at UMaine, as well as from a local fiction writer living and working in Bangor, Maine.
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