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This subject guide provides recommendations for conducting research on topics related to Anthropology at UMaine.


You can search for both books and articles in LibrarySearch, and there are filters, such as peer review for articles, that you can use. Once you've entered a search, sign in with your credentials for the most access to full text.

Take a look at our LibrarySearch tutorial to get acquainted with this new system!

Other Places to Find Literature


  • Fogler's Subject Databases point to things like full text and abstracts of journal articles, news articles, and magazine articles, as well as descriptions of books, dissertations, and theses related to specific fields of study. Keep in mind:
    • full text is not always included, but the Find It button should help if we have access elsewhere in the library's electronic collections;
    • these databases won't link to e/books in our collections so if you find an interesting book, check LibrarySearch (linked above) to see if we have a copy!
  • Google Scholar includes things like journal articles, e/books, government information, white papers, patents, dissertations, and theses. Keep in mind:
    • you'll likely want to set up Library Links in Google Scholar so that you get full-text access to journal articles available through our subscriptions (and avoid paywalls);
    • there is a wide variety of material and it's not only interdisciplinary, but results come from many different sources, like publishers, institutional repositories, government agencies, and sometimes news sources;
    • it's not always scholarly despite its name (as mentioned above, sometimes popular news articles show up in results).

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