APA (American Psychological Association)
Chicago (Turabian) Style
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Government and Legal Publications
IEEE Citation Style
Other Forms
Using generative AI, such as ChatGPT or Claude, to create text raises unique issues in citation. One of the main purposes of citation is to enable the reader to find the cited information. But generative AI content cannot be replicated.
However, another purpose of citation is to provide credit to the creator of the information used, and, that is why, if you are using generative AI-created information, you need to provide a citation.
Here are three citation styles that provide specific guidance on how to go about this:
When doing research, it can be helpful to use citation managers to keep your source information in one place, and, with some, to ease in adding cited information to your writing iwith both citations and reference lists.
Here is information about the three freely-available tools that Fogler Library supports:
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