In this guide, you will find resources related to the study of Journalism. Other relevant research guides that may be of interest are:
Search URSUS by keyword, author, subject, title, etc. for materials of interest to your research need(s). URSUS is the online library catalog for all libraries in the University of Maine system, plus Bangor Public Library, Maine State Library, Maine State Archives, and Maine State Law & Legislative Reference Library.
Interested in what libraries in other parts of the state, country, and around the world, have to offer on your topic?
Search MaineCat, the online catalog for libraries across the state.
You can also search WorldCat, an online catalog of materials held by over 72,000 libraries worldwide.
Place an Interlibrary Loan request for materials that we don't own. We will request material(s) from other libraries on your behalf.
There are many places on campus where you will find relevant software that you can use for your journalism projects. Many are available on library computers and in campus labs and classrooms, and include both standard and multimedia lab applications. All are maintained by the UMaine Information Technology office.
5729 Fogler Library · University of Maine · Orono, ME 04469-5729 | (207) 581-1673