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News Research

Locating Newspapers at Other Libraries

Retrieving Newspapers from Other Libraries

Interested in what libraries in other parts of the state, country, and around the world, have to offer on your topic? 

Search MaineCat, the online catalog for libraries across the state. If there are items of interest, you can place a request within MaineCat for the material to be delivered to UMaine.

You can also search WorldCat, an online catalog of materials held by over 72,000 libraries worldwide. If there are items of interest, you can place a request within WorldCat for the material to be delivered to UMaine.

Place an Interlibrary Loan request for materials that we don't own in URSUS or MaineCat. We will request material(s) from other libraries on your behalf.

Not sure how to proceed, Ask a Librarian!

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